Lucky Day 13: Listening to my body

by | Aug 14, 2013 | 2013 Celebrate You!, Celebrate You!, Mindset

Yesterday, the way I celebrated me was by listening to my body and what it needed in each given moment.

When my alarm went off at 7:30am, I just couldn’t wake up. So I let myself sleep in until 8:30am.

At lunch time, I took the opportunity to do a little boxing workout with my Gold’s Gym Cardio Fitness game for the Wii. I’ve been wanting to box for awhile, but just haven’t been finding the time. Yesterday, I found it.

Throughout the day, I listened to my tummy and only fed it when it was hungry. I just wasn’t that hungry yesterday … and so I was rewarded with more released weight when I weighed in with the Wii this morning.

It feels good to truly listen to your body and give it what it needs … not what you’re craving out of habit, stress or time of day.

Have you been listening to your body? Are you letting it get enough sleep? Are you feeding it the right foods in the right amounts? Are you moving it about so it stays lean and toned (or at least heading in that direction)? Are you drinking enough water?

How did you celebrate you yesterday? Please share your insights, comments and sage advice below in a comment.


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