Leverage Your Writing Talent to Market Your Book

by | Jul 19, 2009 | Marketing & Selling

You’ve written a book, so I figure you can write … at least well enough to make use of these two book marketing techniques.

Search engines love blogs because of the continuous fresh content that gets posted to them. You can use this to your advantage by having a blog that is related to your topic of expertise. This should be simple to do if you are a non-fiction author. Take the large topics that were covered in your book and start talking about them in a more detailed fashion on your blog.

You can also blog about your writing process, your promotional tour and other “behind the scenes” activities that your fan following will want to know about. This helps build a relationship with them so they will be more likely to buy your book, as well as your other products and services.

If you are a fiction author, you can still use a blog to promote your book. Did you do any research to help you create the plot, location or characters of your novel? Blog about what you’ve found. This can build an interest in your novel’s general topic and raise curiosity about how you used this information to flesh out your story.

Also, you could blog your process. One author I know posted the chapters of his new book as he wrote them. They were rough, raw, first drafts … but, as a reader of this first draft, I know I’m waiting for the final version to be published so I can read it, too!

Article Marketing
Again, write short 300-500 word articles related to the topic of your book. Then, in your resource box point readers to your book’s landing page. This is a long term strategy that can help build backlinks to your site, introduce new people to your topic of expertise and even attract potential joint venture partners and affiliate marketers for your products.

Fiction authors can use this technique, too. Again, focus on the non-fiction gems of your fictional story … use your research to help you write articles about the general topic.

For example, if you wrote a high fantasy novel, you could write about Medieval weaponry or lifestyle. If you wrote a horror novel based on some legend or myth, write about the origins of your monster. Did you write a historical romance? Write articles about the period in which your novel is placed. I hope you get the picture.

Better yet, you can re-purpose your blog posts and use them in your article marketing! Take your blog posts, edit them so they are at least a little bit different, and submit them to article directories.


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