Let Them See Your Brand

by | Oct 13, 2008 | Marketing & Selling

When you see these symbols, what comes to mind?

Did you get them right? Most likely you did because the companies behind those symbols did an excellent job of branding using visual cues. Other visual cues include color combinations (like Windows) and font use (like T-Mobile).

When creating your brand, you’ll want to incorporate some visual cues that will help prospects and clients identify when something comes from you.

For example, Michele P.W. always uses the same background image on her websites — a green background with crisscrossing exclamation points. If you were to land on a sales page and not see her photo or name above the fold, you would still know the website was hers.

Visual cue decisions you can make include:

  • What will your color palette be?
    What colors will all your websites, brochures, signs, etc. always use?
  • What font or fonts will you always use?
    You don’t want to use more than two or three fonts, and ideally, you’ll want one that is a serif font (wi,th curls, like Times Roman) and one non-serif font (without curls, like Arial).
  • What kinds of imagery will you use?
    Some brands always use a particular style of illustration — think the Charmin bears. Others always use a color tone to their images — think a corporate blue tone to all photos.

Choose carefully and then stick to your decisions. Monitor the look and feel of all the things you do and keep the motif running through. A good example would be the products of Karen Cappello — all her packaging images look similar, despite using different colors and images. You’ll find the images to which I’m referring down the right side of this webpage.

When you do this, you start building consistency in your marketing. It may take you a while to find just the right look and feel for you. Heck, I’m still working on this stuff for this website, as well! But every little bit you do helps set you apart and make you stand out.


Can you communicate the purpose of your business in one statement?


The purpose of a tagline is to catch attention, clarify the purpose of your business, and engage your ideal clients so they wiill stay with you — at your website, with your marketing material, etc. — long enough to consider what you have to offer.

Small businesses don’t have the luxury of funny or “artistic” taglines that don’t communicate value. Big companies like Apple can play around with “Think Different,” but as the owner of a small business, you can’t.

This three-page guide will help you develop the perfect tagline for your small business. It gives you an overview of what a tagline should do, provides two tagline formulas that will make creating yours a breeze, and supplies you with a simple, effective checklist for tagline development. Download your copy today!


Click Here to Download Now for Only $7!


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