Helen Keller on Optimism

by | Mar 25, 2020 | Mindset, Weekday Wisdom

Weekday Wisdom, Season 4, Episode 3

Do you have faith, hope, and confidence that you will reach your goals? In this month’s episode of the Weekday Wisdom, I share some thoughts on Helen Keller’s quote about these characteristics.

An audio-only version is available below.

NOTE: The Weekday Wisdom will be going on hiatus until the Fall. “See” you then!

Run Time: 6 minutes 52 seconds

Helen Keller once said:

“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.
Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.”

In this episode, I share why I think that faith, hope, and confidence are important for cultivating optimism, as well as some tips to help you bolster those qualities in yourself.

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