Give the speech you’re giving

by | Jun 30, 2014 | Marketing & Selling, Video

Give the speech you're giving

“There are always three speeches, for every one you actually gave. The one you practiced, the one you gave, and the one you wish you gave.”
~ Dale Carnegie

How do you handle it when you’re in front of an audience and you realize you’re not giving the speech you prepared and practiced? Watch this video to find out what I have to say on the subject!

Remember, the audience wasn’t watching over your shoulder as you wrote your speech. They certainly weren’t there as you practiced it. Therefore, they have no clue that what you are giving them in the moment isn’t what you planned … unless you bring it up.

So don’t bring it up!

Let your presentation unfold naturally and trust that what you are saying is what they were meant to hear. If the SNAFU is obvious, don’t make it more so by making a big deal of it. Acknowledge the mistake and move on. Things happen and your audience understands … they’re there to hear what you have to say, not pick nicks when you make a mistake.

Do you have a question about online marketing, public speaking or universal laws? Get your questions answered in a future video! Simply submit your question in one of three ways:

Email: Use this contact form
Voice Mail: 815-642-4092

If you’re feeling really creative, send me a video question and I’ll edit it into the video answer!

Help me complete the Public Speaking Super Powers book! You can contribute directly to Phase 2 (audio editing) here, or participate in the overall project here. Or you can simply pre-order the book here.


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