Book Review: “Getting to Plan B” by John Mullins and Randy Komisar

by | Aug 29, 2018 | Entrepreneurship, Planning Your Business, Reviews, Taking Action

A truly functional business model is comprised of five parts. John Mullins and Randy Komisar describe these parts and how to develop them using case studies and accessible writing. They also describe a system for getting from your initial business plan to a Plan B (or Z) that is even better.

Carma Spence holding a copy of Getting to Plan B


Title: Getting to Plan B: Breaking Through to a Better Business Model
By Author: John Mullins and Randy Komisar
Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press
ISBN-10: 1422126692
ISBN-13: 978-1422126691
Available through Amazon in hardcover and Kindle editions. You can find it at other online and offline booksellers, as well.

Summary of Getting to Plan B

Most successful businesses don’t stick to their original business plan. They start off with an idea and a plan and then evolve it from there. Getting to Plan B gives readers a system for creating a start-up business plan and process for evolving it to something that is much more successful.

What I liked about Getting to Plan B

I found this book to be a very interesting read that inspired me to develop further my own business plan, as well as the course I currently offer on business planning. (Stay tuned for the next iteration!)

The book is well organized, devoting a chapter to each concept and providing several case studies that help illustrate the different ways that concept can show up in the real world.

Each chapter ends with a checklist that summarizes the points learned in the chapter. And the final chapter sums up how all the various parts work together.

What I didn’t like about Getting to Plan B

Being a solo entrepreneur, I would have liked to see some case study examples from this area of the entrepreneurial world. Most of the cast studies were of much larger companies. Yes, some of them started small, but the case study focused more on where they were when the book was written.

What I’d Love to See in the Second Edition

In this day and age, it is not too difficult to provide links to downloadable resources. I would love to see a mini-website set up with sample forms that readers can use. The way the book is now, I — and all readers — will have to create them for themselves.

I also think a companion workbook would be a really good idea!


I learned about this book when I took Mirasee’s Business Ignition Bootcamp course. It was a recommended book, but not required. I’m very glad I purchased it anyway. I’m excited about what I’ve learned and how I might apply it to my own business. I think this is a must-read book for anyone thinking of starting or revitalizing an entrepreneurial venture.

Score: 4 out of 5 Stars


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You can read more of my book reviews here.


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