Full-time authors have a plan of action

by | Mar 17, 2014 | C.A.P. Podcast, C.A.P. Podcast - Video, Planning Your Business, Taking Action, Video

Bob Baker on the CAP Podcast

According to Bob Baker, a full-time author for 10 years and guest on the second episode of The C.A.P. Podcast, you need to be organized and strategic if you want to make a decent living as an author full time. In this video excerpt, you get a little sample of what we talked about.

Listen to the podcast now
In this excerpt, Bob talked about the three things you need to focus you on your vision of full-time authordom: action steps, mission and goals. Action steps take you toward your goals, so without them you are just randomly throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks.

To listen to the full podcast on the PRW Network, go to bit.ly/spence-20140221.

I would LOVE to answer your questions on future episodes of The C.A.P. Podcast! Do you have a question about online marketing, public speaking or universal laws? Do you struggle with integrating creativity, authenticity or even profitability into your author business? Send your questions to Paul Robinson at paulr@dragonwyze.com with the subject line, “CAP Podcast question.”


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