Focus in On Your Target Audience: Who Do You Like to Serve?

by | Nov 4, 2009 | Marketing & Selling

Who have you been serving in 2009? How has that been working for you?

If you were able to identify a specific market and remain excited about serving that market, great! You’ve found your niche and can move on to another area of your plan for 2010.

But, if you are feeling so-so about the clients you’ve been attracting, maybe you should consider buffing up your ideal client profile for the New Year.

One way to do this is to get clear on who you like to serve. Take a look at your best clients this year and ask yourself these questions:

  • Do they come from the same or similar industry or profession?
  • Do they have the same or similar type of business?
  • Are they mostly from one gender over the other?
  • Do they share a particular personality trait or outlook on life?
  • Are they within a narrow age range, geographical location or income level?

Look for trends that you can find within your list of clients and you’ll have a very good clue as to what your ideal client might look like.

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