Five Reasons Everyone Should Make a Vision Board | Video

by | Nov 8, 2019 | Planning Your Business, Video

Have you ever thought about creating a vision board? If not, watch this video and I’ll share some reasons why you should.

Not everyone is enthusiastic about the idea of vision boards. Most people simply don’t understand “why” you would create one nor how it can help them. If this happens to be you, here are five compelling reasons why everyone should create at least one vision board.

Reason 1. Vision boards help you see the possibilities.

I get it. Life is hectic. You may be working long hours – in your job or in your business – perhaps you’re even working two jobs or a job and a side hustle. With all this work, work, work, it is easy to lose sight of the other important things in your life. A vision board can break that cycle and help you see the possibilities that are available to you. They help you see the true purpose of all this work you’re doing and give you a visual representation of what you are working to achieve.

Reason 2. Vision boards help bring clarity and focus.

When you are stuck, your vision can become clouded. If you have goals, you may lose your way to achieving them. A vision board is a visual representation of your goals and helps you stay on track toward them. It keeps you focused and clear about your goals, keeps them top of mind and makes you more open to golden opportunities that will help you achieve them.

Reason 3. Vision boards activate your positive emotions.

Do you ever feel like you’re just a zombie taking one moment at a time with no sense of focus? Have you lost your enthusiasm for life or your goals? Designing a vision board can create huge emotions that are extremely positive and kick you into action. A vision board can be a way to kick start your life from neutral to forward momentum that takes you down the road to success.

Reason 4. Creating a vision board is fun and creative.

Did you ever make collages when you were in school? Do you remember how much fun that was?
Creating a vision board is like collaging with a purpose. You engage in the creative fun of pulling images and statements together to produce the vision board. And you evoke positive emotions as you envision the wonderful possibilities you want to manifest in your life. That can be some pretty heady stuff!

Reason 5. Creating vision boards with others can strengthen relationships.

Want to get closer to your friends? Host a vision boarding party!

Want to forge a deeper connection with your partner? Create a vision board together!

Vision boarding is a wonderful way to reconnect with a partner if your relationship has become stagnate. When you and your partner create a vision board together, both of you can gain a deeper understanding of what you each want out of life and your relationship. It also gives you a fun opportunity to co-create what you both want for your lives together—that could include travel, your dream home, building a nest egg for your retirement, the sky’s the limit.

Is there a plan for your life? Or are you just winging it?

Creating vision boards helps you lay out the framework of what your life can be, and they can be a daily reminder of what actions you need to take to get there. By creating your board—or multiple boards—and putting them where you can see them throughout the day, you cannot help but be guided to what you want for your life. You will look at your board and also visualize throughout the day, allowing your subconscious to understand what it needs to pay attention to in your life and make you consciously aware of the opportunities that are all around you.


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