How To Feel Awesome All Day Long

by | Aug 31, 2016 | 2016 Celebrate You!, Celebrate You!, Mindset, Self Discovey

We all have that little voice in our head, the one responsible for our fight or flight response. It sometimes tells us not to do something — or to worry about doing something at the very least. However, did you know that you can push that fearful side away from you and feel awesome pretty much all day long?

Our feelings are our guides, our intuition that pilots us through our days, nights, and life. So, if you want to feel awesome — and truly Own it — there are things you can do to hush that negative little voice and have a more positive, vibrant voice come front and center.

Feel Awesome Tip #1: Make a Choice

It all starts with a choice. Happiness is a choice. Sadness is a choice. You can choose to look at the dark side of a situation or you can focus on the opportunity or the lesson that is ready to be learned from it. Here’s a perspective shift: Sometimes things come into our lives in order to teach us, not punish us.

You can choose to feel miserable about the one thing that you do not have, whether it is a steady job or a significant other. Or, you can choose to focus on the things that you do have. Every cloud has its silver lining, and every life has its rainbows. Look for them!

When you are going down a spiral of negativity, see if there is not something, even just one thing that you can focus on that is happy, good or hopeful — whether it is a past memory or a future hope. Make a choice to focus on that positive thing and to be content in the moment in which you stand.

Feel Awesome Tip #2: Focus

For some of us, focus comes a little easier than others. However, focus is a learned skill. If you seem to be a “Debbie downer,” try to incorporate things into your life that make you a bit more cheery.

For example, place beautiful pictures of real-life nature scenes above your office wall. Instead of looking at a plain white wall, look at pictures of fields of violets or beautiful sunrises. Any kind of image that makes you smile will do. Focus on the positive feelings the image evokes and you will feel better knowing that each day is a new possibility for something great to happen.

With a little practice, you can retrain your brain to focus on positive memories and positive thoughts.

Feel Awesome Tip #3: Be Grateful

If you really want to feel awesome, be in gratitude every day. It does not mean that you have to be oblivious to your woes and worries. It does mean, however, to find that one thing every day for which you can be grateful. (Of course the more things you can be grateful for, the better!) Here are some suggestions to get you started:

  • Your health
  • The health of your children
  • The bills are paid
  • You have a job (or business)
  • You have friends and family
  • You ate a nice meal
  • The sun came up this morning

The list goes on and on and can even include something as small as having a garden full of vegetables to be proud of and share.

If you focus on the positive, it will grow. If you make a choice every day to smile and be happy, you will get closer to your goals. If you find something every day for which to be grateful, chances are that you will have that much more for which to be grateful.

You are truly Awesome … so own it, baby!


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