Day 3 of Celebrate You!

by | Aug 3, 2014 | 2014 Celebrate You!, Behind the Scenes, Celebrate You!

Celebrate You! Daily Quote:

Celebrate the glory that is you!

“Male or female, if my name were either Don or Dawn,
I’d be up at sunrise to celebrate the glory that is me.”
~ Jarod Kintz

Yesterday, Day 2 of the 31-Day Celebrate You! Challenge, was a day of relaxation. I slept in until 10:37am, got up took and hour walk to the beach and back, did my morning routine and then took a nap! I haven’t had that much sleep in months! It was grand … and it was exactly what my Awesome required.

Carma relaxing in the kitchen

In this selfie, I’m kickin’ back in the kitchen while making my dinner. I sauteed some left over tuna fish casserole in some extra-virgin olive oil. Yummy!

I tend to be something of a work-a-holic, constantly on the move and doing something. Yesterday I did nothing but sleep, watch TV and chat with friends on the phone. What a nice day!

How did you celebrate you yesterday?

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