Day 23 of Celebrate You!

by | Aug 23, 2014 | 2014 Celebrate You!, Behind the Scenes, Celebrate You!

Celebrate You! Daily Quote:

"Everything is created from moment to moment, always new. Like fireworks, this universe is a celebration and you are the spectator contemplating the eternal Fourth of July of your absolute splendor." ~ Francis Lucille

“Everything is created from moment to moment, always new.
Like fireworks, this universe is a celebration
and you are the spectator contemplating the
eternal Fourth of July of your absolute splendor.”
~ Francis Lucille

Yesterday, Day 22 of the 31-Day Celebrate You! Challenge, I celebrated synchronicity.

I was having a conversation with a client and she mentioned that God was not discovered, but realized. Then today, I decided to open up my copy of 365 Science of Mind: A Year of Daily Wisdom from Ernest Holmes, and guess what today’s passage included? “Your endeavor, then, is not so much to find God as it is to realize His Presence ….”


I also decided to use a Voyager Tarot card to inspire the content of yesterday’s Celebrate You! Call. I drew The Sun and it was perfect for what Celebrate You! is all about. Listen to the call here:

Again, synchronicity.

How did you celebrate you yesterday? Please share in a comment below and/or in the Facebook group.

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