Day 17: Having a little fun

by | Aug 18, 2013 | 2013 Celebrate You!, Celebrate You!, Mindset

Back in the 1980s, I was a bit of a hair color junky. I experimented with several colors, my favorite being blue. But tried as I might, blue would never stick.

My hairdresser would bleach my bangs to make them porous, then die them with a blue wash. I’d leave the salon with denim blue bangs, but by the end of the week, they were sky blue. That’s what got me the nickname “Smurfette” among my friends.

I also had a tail and died it black. I experimented with reds and blonds. I once tried out a “blue raven” color that was actually black. It turned into a sickly, bruised green-brown within a week. Yuck!

Once I started working in the corporate world, I stopped the color experimentation, as it was not the right look for those jobs.

Then, earlier this year, I discovered some fun colors that come out when you shampoo. I’ve tried the purple and red, and just last week received the blue and hot pink. Yesterday, as you can see in this post’s picture, I had some fun with the hot pink.

I really enjoy playing with color and doing interesting (and, yes, sometimes weird) things with my hair. It is part of my creative expression (along with cooking, sewing, writing, dancing and, on occasion, arts and crafts).

As the day drew to an end, I was happy to think that having fun with color was my celebration for the day.

But my boyfriend had other ideas … he surprised me by taking me out for a few drinks, too!

All in all, a very fun day!

How did you celebrate you yesterday? Did you “let your hair down” and have some Saturday fun? Did you go out to eat? Did you go to the park with your kids or pet or both? Did you indulge a whim? Get lost in a hobby? Do something you really enjoyed? Please share your celebrations, insights, comments and sage advice in a comment below.


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