Celebrations 2016, Day 3

by | Aug 3, 2016 | 2016 Celebrate You!, Behind the Scenes, Celebrate You!

Carma waiting for the bus after work.

Waiting for the bus after work.

OK, I’m going to admit it: This year’s 31-Day Celebrate You! Challenge is not going according to plan. I’m finding it more challenging that usual to find ways to celebrate me, Own My Awesome, yada yada yada.

We are so busy with my medical appointments and wedding related tasks, duties and meetings that I’m just not getting enough sleep and I’m tired and irritable. I even had a bridezilla moment this weekend! In other words, I am not at my best — and I am not liking it.

That’s not me. And it certainly isn’t me Owning My Awesome … unless…

I’ve said many times that some days your Awesome is high and other days it is low. Well, I’m being a very good role model of what its like if it is low for several days in a row. So here’s what my Awesome looks like right now:

  • I keep on keeping on. I plug along and do what I need to do without too much complaining.
  • I apologize when I catch myself behaving badly. I’m not perfect and I accept that about myself.
  • I smile and am pleasant to others as much as I can. I’m polite and kind and supportive, when I can.

Carma after crossing a busy street on the way to my physical therapist.

After crossing a busy street on the way to my physical therapist.

That may not seem like much, especially knowing what I am usually capable of. But I’m not 100% right now and I need to stop pretending to be. I need to recognize the fact that I’m still healing from my accident and that’s going to affect what I’m capable of in a wide variety of ways.

And that’s where I come to today’s quote. Loving yourself first means treating yourself with love whether you’re up or down, whether you’re well or ill, whether you’re living up to your own expectations or not.

Here are the highlights of my day — each one worthy of a Celebrate You! happy dance:

  • I did my arm exercises at least twice today.
  • I walked at least 10 minutes today.
  • I went to physical therapy and participated in the moment, even though I really just wanted to take a nap.
  • I took the bus part way home from the therapist, the first time I’ve done so. (I usually have my fiancé pick me up, sometimes waiting an hour or more for him because I’m afraid to cross the street.) I did have a tiny scare crossing one street — screamed in public, which elicited a smile from a jogger running by.
  • My fiancé treated me to dinner and we enjoyed a bit of spontaneous down time.


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