Celebrate You! 2015 Exercise, Day 3

by | Aug 3, 2015 | 2015 Celebrate You!, Behind the Scenes, Celebrate You!

there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon

Photo Source: PhotoXpress.com; Design: Carma Spence

“…there is no greater joy than
to have an endlessly changing horizon…”
~ Christopher McCandless

Although change can be scary, it can also be filled with joy and excitement. I am currently going through a transition that is new and different for me, and therefore it is a bit scary. But I’m also finding that it is full of joy and unexpected moments of bliss.

Today’s Journal Exercise:

Throughout your life, you’ve experienced a wide variety of changes. Journal about how those changes brought you more joy in your life, especially if those changes were scary or unwelcome at first.

Here are some examples from my life:

  • When I lost the first job I had out of grad school because the owner died of cancer, I had the opportunity to move to Southern California for a better paying job. It was scary because I didn’t know anyone there and I would be on my own. However, that move also gave me my first experience of living by myself — no roommates! — and the job gave me some amazing experiences that I still value today.
  • When my little sister died, I learned a lot about myself and my relationship with her; things I had not been consciously aware of before. Her passing, which still brings a tear to my eye, also brought me a better perspective of my own strengths, as well as a financial windfall that allowed me to upgrade my computer system. I miss her terribly, but there was a silver lining and I discovered you can find joy in sorrow.

Daily Challenge:
Find a way to have a new experience today. Give yourself a new horizon and an experience of today not being like every other day. Share your “new sun” experience with us in the Facebook group and/or in a comment below.


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