Celebrate You! 2015 Exercise, Day 14

by | Aug 14, 2015 | 2015 Celebrate You!, Behind the Scenes, Celebrate You!

These are few of my favorite things

Photo: © Kristi; Design: Carma Spence

Delight in your favorite things as often as possible.

We all have favorite things: sights, sounds, textures and tastes. I like to indulge a favorite thing at least once a day. However, because we often have so many favorite things, it can be easy to forget what they are or indulge in the same one so often it becomes old hat. But not after today!

Today’s Journal Exercise:

Yesterday you fed your inner child actively by doing something fun on purpose. Today you’re going to set yourself up to feed your inner child, at least a little, every day. Take at least 15 minutes to write down your favorite things; the people, places, things and activities that bring you pleasure. Then make a commitment to indulge one at least once a week, if not once a day.

I’ve talked about my favorite things before on this blog. You can find those posts here:

Daily Challenge:
Share at least one favorite thing in the Facebook group and/or in a comment below. Even better, take a selfie of you indulging that favorite thing and share it. Then journal how engaging with a favorite thing — and sharing your joy with others — made you feel. And be sure to include the hashtag #CelebrateYou.


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