Celebrate You! 2015 Exercise, Day 11

by | Aug 11, 2015 | 2015 Celebrate You!, Behind the Scenes, Celebrate You!

Notice the beauty around you

Photo & Design: Carma Spence

Beauty is everywhere,
if you open your eyes to see it.

This world is filled with beauty. From the plants to the animals to even the man-made objects in our environment, you can witness things that delight you every day. Are you paying attention?

Today’s Journal Exercise:

Take a walk around your neighborhood or your local beach or park and pay attention to your surroundings. Appreciate everything you can: from the beauty and aroma of a flower, to the artistry of the architecture, to the smile on a stranger also enjoying a walk. Be sure to notice things to appreciate with each of your senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch.

Now take out your journal and write about what you experienced. What did you notice to appreciate? Why do you think that thing caught your attention? How did focusing on the beauty and wonder around you make you feel?

Daily Challenge:
Take pictures of what you appreciated on your walk and share some with us in the Facebook group. Be sure to use the #CelebrateYou hashtag so that others can smile in delight, as well. If you are feeling particularly brave, share with us why you took and shared that picture in particular.


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