Celebrate You! 2016 Day 5

by | Aug 5, 2016 | 2016 Celebrate You!, Celebrate You!, Mindset

Learn more about the 31-Day Celebrate You! Challenge

Jean Shinoda Bolen quote

Engage in activities that feed your soul and bring you joy.

Back in the 1990s, before I got married the first time, I relished working on my fiction. It put me in The Zone and fed my soul. Then I got married to the wrong man. He told me that I needed to stop spending so much time doing things that didn’t bring in money. I could wait until money was coming in to do those silly things. And so I stopped writing my fiction and poetry.

And a part of my soul darkened and hid away where I could not hurt it.

To this day, I haven’t been able to get that piece of “advice” out of my head. And there’s a part of me that still isn’t fulfilled.

Don’t let others tell you to stop feeding your soul. You know what your heart needs. So make sure you take time to do those things that make your heart sing and your soul take flight.

The alternative is a path of discomfort … and a long trek uphill to your true self.

Day 5 Exercise

Are you avoiding doing something that makes you happy? Why is that? Journal about why you might be “punishing” yourself by not doing the things that you love to do.

Remember to catch yourself doing something right and celebrate it!

Want Brownie Points? Post something from your list of Awesome in the Facebook Group! And be sure to use the #CelebrateYou hashtag.


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