Celebrate You! 2016, Day 26

by | Aug 26, 2016 | 2016 Celebrate You!, Celebrate You!, Mindset

Learn more about the 31-Day Celebrate You! Challenge

I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule of others, rather than to be false, and to incur my own abhorrence. ? Frederick Douglass

The best way to love yourself is to be yourself.

You might have noticed a theme emerging this week: Don’t let other dictate who you are or who you should be.

I am in total agreement with Mr. Douglass. It is better to be ridiculed for who you are than it is to be loved for who you aren’t.

Has Owning Your Awesome for 25 days now helped you be more of yourself? I’d love to know!

Day 26 Exercise

  1. Catch yourself being Awesome at least once today … and celebrate it well.
  2. Continue to add to your list of what you love about you.

Want Brownie Points? Post something from your list of Awesome in the Facebook Group! And be sure to use the #CelebrateYou hashtag.


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