Book Review: “Quick! I Need to Be a Leader in 30 Days!” by Brad Dude

by | Apr 4, 2018 | Entrepreneurship, Planning Your Business, Reviews, Self Discovey

Brad Dude & Associates offers a training program that helps new managers become effective leaders in 30 days. This book is both a summary of the information covered in that course and a blatant infomercial for it.


Title: Quick! I Need to Be a Leader in 30 Days!
By Author: Brad Dude
Publisher: Brad Dude & Associates
ISBN-10: 0996447032
ISBN-13: 978-0996447034
Available through Amazon in paperback and Kindle editions. You can find it at other online and offline booksellers, as well.

Carma Spence holding a copy of Quick! I Need to Be a Leader in 30 Days!

Summary of Quick! Need to Be a Leader in 30 Days!

Quick! I Need to Be a Leader in 30 Days! provides the readers with a game plan for improving leadership skills in 30 days. It provides a review of several leadership models and theories, and provides a 30-Day action plan with suggested reading and activities, that readers can follow to improve their leadership skills.

What I liked about Quick! I Need to Be a Leader in 30 Days!

There is a lot of good information in this book. Most, if not all, of the major leadership theories are covered and readers are given solid overviews of each. The book also provides actions readers can take to start implementing what they learned in their jobs right away. Although this book is aimed at managers working within a company, much of the information would also be helpful to an entrepreneur just getting started (or simply wanting to improve).

What I didn’t like about Quick! I Need to Be a Leader in 30 Days!

This book is a blatant infomercial for the course on which it is based. There are ways to seed a book with information about the course without bashing the reader over the head with it. This book does not go that path. Instead, I felt constantly pushed to check out their course. Worse yet, the book continuously gives you the impression that what you hold in your hand is the ugly, red-headed stepchild of the course. In fact, there were times I felt that this book was simply the manual for the course with a few small edits so you knew you were reading a book and not taking the course. I get that the course is better than reading a book, but you shouldn’t make readers feel like they just wasted their time and money buying your book.

What I’d Love to See in the Second Edition

I would love to see the integration of seeding the course done better. It would not be hard to do. There is good information here that is poisoned by the constant selling interspersed throughout the book.


If I had paid for this book, I would have been mad. That said, if you go into this knowing up front that it is a hard sell for the course, you might be able to gain the benefits of the book without being too pissed off. So, if you can do that, go ahead and grab a copy. If not, I’m sure there are other leadership books that are less tiresome.



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NOTE: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. If you’ve read past book reviews, you’ll know that I don’t pull my punches when I believe they are warranted. I also try to provide balanced information so you can make your own decision to read or not read the book, even if you disagree with my opinion.


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