Book Review: “The Power of a Half Hour” by Tommy Barnett

by | Feb 21, 2014 | Planning Your Business, Reviews, Taking Action

The Power of a Half Hour: Take Back Your Life Thirty Minutes at a Time
By Tommy Barnett
WaterBrook Press, 2013

Available through Amazon in hardback and Kindle editions, as well as Audiobook CD and Audible versions. You can find it at other fine online and offline book sellers, as well.

Summary of The Power of a Half Hour:

The thesis of this book is that every half hour in a day is a resource that can be used to make a difference between success and failure, as well as shape an individual’s future. Tommy Barnett uses personal stories, as well as stories of people he knows, to illustrate his points. Being a pastor, he also draws upon his belief system and the Bible to make his points.

What I liked about The Power of a Half Hour:

The book is well-written and, if you can get around the references to needing to be saved, is applicable to pretty much anyone’s life. I also enjoyed using the personal action plan at the back of the book to deepen my understanding of each chapter.

Chapters are short, so it is easy to read one … and complete much of the personal action plan … in 30 minutes or less.

What I didn’t like about The Power of a Half Hour:

It is not so much that I didn’t like it, as I felt it unnecessarily reduced the audience … that is the strong Assembly of God Christian point of view. Being a Catholic by upbringing, I don’t hold all the same beliefs, but I think much of the information really is non-denominational and secular. I believe this book could help a lot more people if it didn’t have such a strong religious tone to it.

That said, I understand that the author is a pastor and has the beliefs he has and has every right to express them.

Conclusion and Recommendations:

Christians will more than likely find this book valuable in their lives. If you aren’t Christian and you aren’t offended by the Biblical references, as well as the reference that you must be “saved,” you can gain value from this book, too. Many of the principles explained are universal. For example: Clarify your vision and purpose, solidify your values, own a great attitude, prepare for success, and more.

When going through this book, grab a journal and do the personal action plan in the back. These exercises, although not always relevant to me, helped me think more deeply about the content and relate it back to my life. If you prefer to do this in a group, Barnett has provided a small group study guide, as well.



I recommend this book with reservations based only on the sensitivity of some readers to Biblical references.

NOTE: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. If you’ve read past book reviews, you’ll know that I don’t pull my punches when I believe they are warranted. I also try to provide balanced information so you can make your own decision to read or not read the book, even if you disagree with my opinion.

Read more book reviews here.


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