Book Marketing Interview: Author Carew Papritz, Part 2

by | Apr 5, 2018 | Marketing & Selling, Video, Weekday Wisdom

Weekday Wisdom Episode 67

Wouldn’t you like to know what mistakes Carew thinks authors make in marketing themselves? That’s where we left off in yesterday’s video and today we’ll continue on.

In yesterday’s episode, I shared with you the first part of my interview with author Carew Papritz. Today, I continue on with this interview. In today’s excerpt, we talk about:

  • Mistakes authors make in promoting their books
  • Tips for using social media to market your books
  • The anatomny of a book pitch
  • Tips for talking about your book at signings
  • Touching tales from his book signings

Tune in tomorrow as we finish up this series of excerpts from my interview with Carew Papritz, The Cowboy Philosopher and author of The Legacy Letters.

Missed the first part? You can watch or listen to it here.

I invite you to watch the video version of this interview or listen to the audio version, both of which are below.

Video Version



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