Blogging and your business or career

by | Jun 29, 2015 | Marketing & Selling, Video


Although blogging started off as a personal form of expression — think diary online — it has evolved into an effective way to market your business, organization or cause. It is also a way to build a brand and platform for yourself, setting yourself up as an expert at what you do, thus helping with your career, as well.

During this excerpt from a presentation about online marketing, I talk blogging and your business or career.

Tips from this video include:

  • Create a blog that is dedicated to your career expertise. For example, I have an Examiner column dedicated to writing about science. The goal is for there to be plenty of links on the first page of Google so that when an HR professional, recruiter or hiring manager searches for your name, it is clear that you know your stuff.
  • Be more mindful of writing a good copy than including keywords. Yes, you want to write around the keywords that people use to find you, but don’t be so concerned about the specific keywords that you end up writing unreadable drivel.
  • Use tags to emphasize the keywords related to each blog post.
  • Use categories like a table of contents for your blog.

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