Book Review: “Badass Women Give the Best Advice” by Becca Anderson

by | Oct 22, 2018 | Mindset, Reviews

The back cover of Badass Women Give the Best Advice says that this book is like having a “heart-to-heart” with 200 of your BFFs. If this is the case, I think you might want to reconsider who your friends are.

Badass Women Give the Best Advice

Book Stats

Title: Badass Women Give the Best Advice: Everything You Need to Know About Love and Life By Author: Becca Anderson Paperback: 256 pages Publisher: Mango ISBN-10: 1633536939 ISBN-13: 978-1633536937 Available through Amazon in paperback, Kindle and audiobook editions. You can find it at other online and offline booksellers, as well.

Summary of Badass Women Give the Best Advice

Badass Women Give the Best Advice is a collection of quotes from well-known women throughout history, along with a few select quick bios of more notable or influential women. These quotes are organized into six thematic chapters:

  • Everything you need to know about life and love
  • Love is all you need. Really?
  • Love, lust and what we wore
  • Love hurts (sometimes)
  • Womanly wisdom: Love lost and found
  • Do we really even need men anymore?
  • Strong women, strong coffee, strong love

What I liked about Badass Women Give the Best Advice

I really enjoyed the mini-bios and historical essays. They were informative and interesting and gave perspective to the quotes from the women discussed. I also liked that the quotes came from a wide variety of women throughout history. These women were “badass” because they were courageous enough to own their power.

What I didn’t like about Badass Women Give the Best Advice

I was truly saddened by many of the quotes because I could feel the pain that underlay them. Many of the women quoted must have been hurt very badly by the men in their lives because the vitriol thrown in men’s direction—as if all men are the same—was visceral.

Yes, some men are not worth the dirt they walk on. Believe me, I’ve had a few stinkers in my life. One even went to prison for attacking me. But that doesn’t mean all men are pigs. I’ve very grateful to have finally found myself a keeper who loves me, cherishes me and supports me when I need it.


Take the advice dished out in this book with a grain of salt. Much of it is truly empowering and inspirational. But there is definitely an undercurrent of men bashing, too.

Rating: 3 out of 5 Stars


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NOTE: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. If you’ve read past book reviews, you’ll know that I don’t pull my punches when I believe they are warranted. I also try to provide balanced information so you can make your own decision to read or not read the book, even if you disagree with my opinion.


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