Article Marketing Headlines: 2 Tips for Effective Headlines

by | Mar 3, 2010 | Marketing & Selling

The first line of attraction, so to speak, in article marketing is the headline. When a person finds your article, it is the headline that tells her that this is an article she wants to read … or not.

So, creating a compelling headline for potential readers is important.

Also, search engines will use your headline to determine the content and relevance of your article.

So, creating an optimized headline for search engines is important.

But an optimized headline isn’t always a reader-compelling headline. How do you create a balance between the two factors so that your articles rank well and are read by members of your target market? Here are two tips:

=> Use Your Primary Key Word Phrase as Early in Your Headline as Possible
The sooner your key word phrase appears in your headline, the better optimized your headline will be for search engines. Here are some examples (the underlined words are the key words):

  • Article Marketing: 5 Keys to Driving Traffic with Articles
  • Train Your Dog to Sit in 3 Easy Steps
  • Public Speaking Myths: Busted!

You’ll notice that the key word phrase is the first part of the headline. This tells the search engine (and your reader) immediately what the main topic of the article is about.

=> Make a Promise to Your Reader
Another thing those three headlines did was a make a promise to the reader.

  • You’ll learn five ways article marketing can drive traffic to your website
  • You’ll learn how to train your dog to sit in just three easy steps
  • You’ll learn some public speaking myths and why they are false

It is the promise your headline makes that will compel your reader to read on … that is if it is a promise that the reader is interested in.

Of course, your article will have to deliver on that promise.

Would you like some help with your article marketing? An Article Marketing Marathon may be just what you’re looking for! I’ll hold your hand — virtually, of course — and assist you with key word research, writing headlines and writing guidance. To see when the next Article Marketing Marathon will be held, visit


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