Are you clear about the purpose of your website?

by | Jun 22, 2012 | Marketing & Selling, Video

The first deadly mistake of home page/landing page/website design is not being clear on the purpose of the page/site. If you don’t know what it is supposed to do, how do you know that it is successful? I recently gave my “5 Deadly Mistakes of Home Page Design” presentation and in this clip I talk about the first and most important mistake.

Here are some questions you can ask yourself to make sure you are clear on the purpose of your home page, landing page or website as a whole:

  • Who is your target market?
    Will members of your target market recognize themselves when they visit your website?
  • What does your target market want?
    Is it clear on your web page that your provide this very thing they want?
  • What is unique about what you offer your target market?
    Is it clear that you offer something they can’t get somewhere else?
  • What do you want visitors to do when they land on your page?
    Will someone visiting your site know what you want them to do? Or do you have too many things you’re asking them to do?

If you’d like to learn more about the 5 Deadly Mistakes and how to fix them, pick up a copy of Home Sweet Home Page: The 5 Deadly Mistakes Authors, Speakers and Coaches Make with Their Website’s Home Page and How to Fix Them! It is available in both physical and e-book formats at

Also, if you need help getting clear on the purpose of your website (or business), going through the process of developing an effective web presence or would simply like a home page/website evaluation, contact me for a 20-minute initial consultation, free of charge.


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