An Integrated PURL Campaign Can Grow Your List

by | Sep 29, 2010 | Marketing & Selling

purl campaign
Personalized URL or PURL campaigns can be a very effective way to get people to notice your offer or business. They become even more effective when you integrate them into an online/offline campaign.

Here’s an example of how one might work, from the recipients point of view.

Joan goes to her mail box and finds there a postcard from you that invites her to visit a webpage that has been especially created for her. In fact the URL of the webpage has her name in it!

Curious, she visits the webpage and finds that the page addresses her by name and invites her to download a special report on a topic near and dear to her heart. All she needs to do is enter her name and email address in the form below.

Eager to get her hands on that report she does as requested and is taken to page that tells her she’ll receive a confirmation email. Once she confirms, she receive the information she needs to download the report.

Sure enough, within five minutes the confirmation email arrives in her inbox. When she clicks on it, she is immediately taken to the download page.

At this point, Joan is now on your list and will receive all the emails you send to it.

This is a basic campaign. If you want to get more sophisticated, you can also add additional components that increase the personalized experience.

Not that long ago, I did a podcast about PURL campaigns. You can listen to it here:

In this podcast, I interviewed David Zehala, the founder of the Columbus Internet Marketing Association. The podcast is focused on Phoenix-based businesses, but the information can be applied to where ever you happen to do business.


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