A Simple Marketing Funnel Leading to a Continuity Program

by | Jul 23, 2010 | Creating Products

marketing funnel
There are lots of ways you can nurture a lead from “suspect” to member of your continuity program. Here is the outline of just one. Feel free to get creative with it!

Top of the Funnel:
Entice them into the funnel with a free report on your topic. This report should be a taste of the kind of information they could get if they become a member of the program. For example, if you offer a membership site for stamp collectors, give them a report that touches on the main points covered in your site, giving them enough information to feel they got value from you, while leaving them hungry for more.

Follow this bonus up with an autoresponder sequence that helps them consume that report and begin salivating for more.

The Next Step:
Get them used to spending money with you. Offer them low- to mid-range products and services that are related to your continuity program. You can get really creative here, offering special reports; short-term, limited accessibility memberships; audio programs and more. For example, if you offer a membership for dog trainers, you can offer them training guides, guides to finding and securing clients and more. Continue to keep in touch with these individuals through your monthly (or more often) newsletter.

Enroll them in Membership:
By this time, you’ve been talking up your continuity program, sharing testimonials from happy members, giving glimpses of the benefits that await membership. Give them a one-time only incentive to join and enroll new members!


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