3 things I learned at Your Business Mojo

by | Apr 11, 2012 | Entrepreneurship, Marketing & Selling, Mindset

Yesterday I attended an event called Your Business Mojo with Arvee Robinson, Joe Nunziata and Kelly Flint. It was a worthwhile free event that I recommend you check out if you’re going to be in Southern California or New York during one of the other dates it will be held.

Going to networking events has several benefits:

  • If you work from home, like I do, it gets you out of the house.
  • You meet other business owners and entrepreneurs who can be prospective clients or joint venture partners (sometimes both)
  • You can learn new ideas or techniques that can help your business
  • You can get pics of yourself with industry leaders, which can be used in self-promotion on social media, your website and even PowerPoint slides!

What follows are three of the things I learned that will help me not only with my business, but with my clients, as well.

Content is king, but consistency is Queen
I know I sometimes falter on this … I get busy and don’t post to my blog or send out my ezine according to the schedule I had set. But at least I have a schedule and I do my best to stick to it. And I don’t stay in “falter” mode for too long.

Being consistent in the quality and regularity of your content helps your audience expect and grow to anticipate your information. It also fosters trust and can increase sharing of your content.

Don’t chase success
When you chase something, it runs away. You want to desire success and even work toward achieving it … but not chase it. Be relaxed and savor the journey.

Yes, I know … easier said than done.

But it can be done and you can do it.

Stop the suffering
I’ve always believed that everyone has a gift to give to the world and that it is, in some way, selfish to keep that gift to yourself. But people often get stuck in the not giving state because they lack the confidence in their own gifts. Well, Arvee said something that I found very enlightening: “There are people out there suffering and only you can end that suffering.”

Your gift, your message is unique to you. And there are people out there who can only learn what they need to learn from you. So why are you keeping your brilliance to yourself?


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