What Is Autoblogging?

by | Jan 15, 2009 | Marketing & Selling

Autoblogging is short for “automatic blogging.” Basically, you set your blog up to post content on its own. This is usually done by connecting an RSS feed to your blog. Many Internet marketers use autoblogging to build niche websites quickly and easily. But before your jump on the autoblogging bandwagon, you need to understand a couple of things about autoblogs.


Gobala Krishnan of ProfitBlogger.com says, “No matter how good you get at autoblogging, you’re never going to produce high-quality sites that attract a loyal fan base using autoblogging methods. Nothing beats content that is original and written by a human being.”

Therefore, autoblogging is not a good option for those who want their blog to establish credibility or expertise for them. Autoblogging is good for setting up Adsense and affiliate marketing sites, where your only concern is generating traffic. Because autoblogging keeps your content fresh, the site ranks better in the search engines.


Because you will probably be using the same RSS feeds that everyone else is using to build your autoblogging content, your website will not be that unique. So, you need to be careful about the RSS feeds you use, and also look for other sources of automated content, such as data feeds from affiliate networks.

Another Option

There is another option that requires a little more work upfront but can set up your blog on auto-pilot for quite some time. This is using PLR articles and some sort of software to spin the content for originality.

Final Words

As Google and other search engines get wise to how many are using autoblogging techniques, this tactic will become less and less useful. Bottom line — I don’t recommend this for my clients.


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