Successful Entrepreneurs Know It’s Not About Them

by | Jan 26, 2018 | Creating Products, Entrepreneurship, Marketing & Selling, Video, Weekday Wisdom

Weekday Wisdom with Carma Spence, Episode 18

You know your business is not about you, right?

Successful entrepreneurs know it's not about them

The next trait of successful entrepreneurs I’d like to talk about is that they know it’s not all about them.

Now, obviously, if you go into business for yourself, you’re doing it — at least in part — because you want to create an income. So, yes there’s a little bit about you in your business. But, as Zig Ziglar said, “You can have everything in life you want if you will just help other people get what they want.” In other words, the more you help others, the more you help yourself.

That’s what successful entrepreneurs understand. They understand that what they’re in business for is to really serve their clients and customers. And this means that you put out the best products and services. And you always keep in mind, “What’s the best that I can do for my client? What is the best thing that will serve them?” This includes the best information, the best format, etc.

Always have in mind, what will best serve your target market.

Successful entrepreneurs truly understand this and they live it. They are of service.

This reminds me of a story that I heard from Doctor Wayne Dyer (on a cassette tape program, no less!). He tells a story about this woman he hires to clean his house. And how he had this conversation with her about how many people who are in the business of cleaning services think of themselves as servants. But she didn’t think of herself that way at all. She was of service. She was empowering her clients to do things that they were good at because she was really good at cleaning houses.

This is what successful entrepreneurs do. They are of service. They are empowering their clients to do what is in their genius by providing them with the information, products, and services that are in their own genius.

This is a trait that’s really, really easy to nurture and grow. You just always have your client’s best interests in mind. That will really help your business grow.

Don’t box yourself in.
Spread your wings and fly.
You — yes you — are capable of more than you know.

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