Re-purposing and Your Article Marketing Strategy

by | Mar 22, 2010 | Marketing & Selling

One of the things about article marketing is that you don’t have to develop completely new content to submit to article directories. You can take content that you’ve already developed and re-purpose it for your article marketing.

Here are 5 ways you can re-purpose content you already have developed to use in you article marketing efforts.

1. Have you written a book or ebook?
Take each chapter and write an article version of the same information. If the chapter has several points, you can write an article for each one.

2. Have you held a teleseminar?
Get the recording transcribed. Then you can take chunks from the transcript and massage them into articles.

3. Do you have a regular podcast or Internet radio show?
You can write articles based on the content of each episode. Either run with the idea of the episode itself, or use transcripts from the episode and massage the information into an article.

4. Do you blog?
Take older blog posts and re-write them … at least a little bit … transforming them into articles for article directories.

5. Do you find yourself answering the same questions from your clients over and over?
Take your answers and turn them into articles. This can have the added benefit of making it easier to answer those same questions n the future … just point them to your article!

For more information about article marketing, check out the FAQs page. If your question isn’t answered, you can submit your own question.

Would you like some help with your article marketing?
An Article Marketing Marathon may be just what you’re looking for! I’ll hold your hand — virtually, of course — and assist you with key word research, writing headlines and writing guidance. To see when the next Article Marketing Marathon will be held, visit


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