How to Organize Your Speech, Part 1

by | Oct 14, 2013 | Marketing & Selling, Video

How to Organize Your Speech, Part 1

On October 22, 2013, I was one of three panelists sharing information about public speaking at the Western Museums Association’s 2012 Annual Meeting in Palm Springs, California. In this excerpt from my part of the presentation, I talk about organizing your speech.

I suggest you start with the end goal of your presentation in mind and work backward. Once you know what you want your speech to accomplish … the call to action at the end … you can create a body that leads your audience toward that goal. Then you can craft an opening that grabs their attention and pulls them into the body of your speech.

There are several ways to open a speech. In this presentation, I suggest three of them:

  • A thought-provoking question
  • A relevant quote or anecdotal story
  • A related generalization

Click here to download the slides used in this part of the presentation in PDF format.

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