Marketing Your Book with Internet Radio

by | Apr 15, 2011 | Marketing & Selling

internet radio book marketing
There are two basic ways you can use Internet Radio to market your book: You can be the host or you can be the guest. There are pros and cons to both.

Author as Host
When you host a live Internet Radio show you are seen as an expert. Hosting your own show gives you an outlet for sharing your expertise that is convenient to your listeners.

You have to keep to your schedule. If your show is weekly, you need to do it weekly. This is a big time commitment. You may spend a bit of your time looking for topics and/or guests to fill up the “air” time.

Author as Guest
When you are the guest on an Internet radio show, the spot light is on you for that particular episode. It is a good way to potentially reach a wide audience.

You have to make sure that you get on the right shows. It is difficult to tell if the reach the host tells you he or she has it accurate.

Regardless, Internet radio shows, whether you’re the guest or the host, is an excellent opportunity to get your message in front of a wide audience and, if your information is not time-sensitive, it can be a good way to drive sales of your book over time (when you share the download with as many folks as you can).

Internet radio is still in its infancy, so its potential and reach have not been tapped it their fullest yet. So don’t be surprise if not much comes from your stint on Internet radio. Use it as one of many of the tools in your book marketing tool box … even a training ground for future terrestrial radio guess appearances. You’ll be glad you did.

Thinking of self-publishing your book?

Want to make sure it gets on Amazon and the Kindle?
Then check out “How to Leverage to Attract New Clients.” In this audio course I show you how to create a lead-generating book and publish it using either or for physical books and Amazon Digital for the Kindle. You receive step-by-step guides that walk you through the process with ease!


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