Day 15: Quality time

by | Aug 16, 2013 | 2013 Celebrate You!, Celebrate You!, Mindset

Spending quality time with people you love is a great way to celebrate you. Think about it, these people wouldn’t want to spend quality time with you if they didn’t care, love and respect you, if they didn’t think you were special in some way. Also, allowing yourself to slow down and enjoy the company of people you care about rewards you for being special and wonderful. That’s celebration in my book!

Yesterday, I did some volunteer work to help out a friend. She’s coordinating a SpeechCraft at the gay and lesbian center in downtown Long Beach. I helped out by giving an educational presentation on how to select a topic, demonstrating an speech evaluation and by adding in tips and advice when I could. It was rewarding. And I’ll be helping out at the five more monthly sessions, as well.

I also got to spend some quality time with my boyfriend. I’ll admit that I can be something of a workaholic at times, and lately I’ve been very focused on a big client project. It was nice to slow down and spend time chatting and watching a movie with him. We watched The 6th Day with Arnold Schwarzenegger. I’ve seen it before, but I really love Arnie films! 🙂

How did you celebrate you yesterday? Was your celebration easy to pick out? Did you spend at least five minutes relishing it? Or did you have to dig deep to find it? Did you make the effort and relish even the small celebrations of your life for five minutes? Please share your insights, comments and sage advice in a comment below.


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