Communicating with verbal linguistic learners

by | Jun 12, 2015 | Creating Products, Marketing & Selling


There are many ways that people communicate and learn. Last week I shared some tips about how to communicate with visual spatial learners. This week, I’m talking about verbal linquistic learners.

Verbal Linguistic learners represent about 15 to 25 percent of the population. Since verbal linguistic, sometimes called auditory, learners prefer to process information through language — whether it is written or spoken — they are, frankly, the easiest to communicate with. Most of the communication vehicles you’ll use in your business, from blogs to podcasts to videos will reach them well.

Here are some ways you can communicate in your presentations and communication media that will appeal to verbal linguistic learners:

  • Use verbal language. Words and phrases that describe how things sound will help your verbal linguistic learners understand your message better. For example: Use words and phrases like “Tell me …,” talk, hear, spell and “in other words.” You might have noticed I used an example of this in the opening paragraph of this post.
  • Use written or spoken engagement techniques. If your product or service encourages clients to write or speak, you’ve got your verbal learners covered. For example: As an auditory learner, I often find myself reading aloud or talking myself through tasks. Yes, I can be a talker!
  • Provide scripts. Giving sample scripts for what to say or step-by-step, recipe-like processes helps your verbal learners engage with your material on a deeper level. For example: Sales scripts. Recipes. Written blueprints.
  • Use mnemonics. Can you give an acronym that is easy to remember? Then do it! Your verbal learners will love it. For example: ROY G BIV for remembering the colors of the rainbow or “My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nachos” to remember the order of the planets.
  • Use audio. Podcasts, audio programs, guided visualizations, teleseminars and other ways to provide information verbally is a win with your verbal linguistic learners. For example: The C.A.P. Podcast, my twice monthly podcast available on iTunes, is a great way for me to reach verbal learners.
  • Include communication exercises. When working with your clients in person, such as at a workshop or seminar, be sure to include audience exercises that get members talking and interacting verbally with each other. Not only will this wake them up and get them engaged, it will help them process the information more deeply.

What’s Up for Own Your Awesome Fridays this Month

June is Effective Communication Month, so for the four Friday’s in June, I will be sharing some tips on how to communicate with people of different learning styles. When you can include communication styles in your presentations, programs and products that speak to the various learning styles, you will be a more effective communicator and educator. I will start with the top three learning styles that most people are familiar with and end with the lesser known learning styles.

  • June 5: Communicating with Visual Spatial Learners
  • June 12: Communicating with Verbal Linguistic Learners ⇐ This Week
  • June 19: Communicating with Bodily Kinesthetic Learners
  • June 26: Communicating with Other Learning Styles

Eventually, PDF and audio versions of Own Your Awesome Friday content will be made available. If you’d like to know when this content becomes available, complete this form:

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